Stormy Skies, Sunny Vibes Homeowner Hacks for Riding Out Hurricane Season 2024!

As June 1st approaches, so does the beginning of another hurricane season. Forecasters are predicting a busy season ahead, making it more important than ever for homeowners to prepare for potential storms. At David Dunham Insurance, we understand the significance of protecting your home and loved ones during these challenging times. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help homeowners navigate the upcoming hurricane season and understand the importance of flood insurance.

The Forecast: Experts are predicting an active hurricane season for 2024 for all of Florida, with the potential for several named storms and hurricanes to make landfall along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. With the increased risk of severe weather events, it’s essential for David Dunham Homeowner clients to take proactive measures to safeguard their properties and ensure they have adequate insurance coverage in place.

The Importance of Flood Insurance: One of the most critical aspects of the 2024 hurricane preparedness is having flood insurance. Many homeowners are unaware that standard homeowners’ insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage. With the potential for heavy rainfall and storm surges during hurricanes, flood insurance can provide crucial financial protection against water damage to your home and belongings. It is imperative to start the application process now as there is a 30 day waiting period for a FEMA flood policy.  Click here get started.

Preparation Before the Storm: Before hurricane season begins, homeowners should take the following steps to prepare for potential storms:

  1. Review Your Insurance Coverage: Ensure you have adequate homeowners’ insurance and consider adding flood insurance to your policy if you don’t already have it…and know your deductibles.
  2. Create an Emergency Plan: Develop a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and contact information for emergency services.
  3. Secure Your Property: Reinforce windows and doors, trim trees and shrubs, and secure outdoor furniture and other loose items.  We recommending doing a “dry run” now to make sure you know how to and can put up the proper protective devices. 
  4. Assemble a Disaster Kit: Gather essential supplies such as non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, battery powered radio, first aid supplies, and important documents.
  5. Stay Informed: Monitor weather forecasts and pay attention to official updates from local authorities. Sign up for emergency alerts to receive timely information about evacuation orders and shelter locations.
  6. Document:  Go through each room in your home and take photos or videos documenting your key items and valuables.

Action After the Storm: In the aftermath of a hurricane, homeowners should take the following steps to assess damage and begin the recovery process:

  1. Safety First: Ensure your family’s safety before returning home and be cautious of hazards such as downed power lines and flooded areas.
  2. Document Damage: Take photos and videos of any damage to your property and belongings to assist with insurance claims.
  3. Contact Your Insurance Provider: Report any damage to your insurance provider as soon as possible and begin the claims process.
  4. Mitigate Further Damage: Take steps to prevent further damage to your property, such as covering broken windows and drying out flooded areas.
  5. Seek Assistance: Take advantage of available resources and assistance programs to help with cleanup and recovery efforts.

As we prepare for the upcoming 2024 hurricane season, it’s essential for David Dunham Insurance clients to take proactive measures to protect their properties and loved ones. By understanding the importance of flood insurance and following helpful steps before and after the storm, homeowners can mitigate the impact of severe weather events and ensure a swift recovery in the event of damage. At David Dunham Insurance, we’re here to support homeowners every step of the way and provide the insurance coverage they need to weather the storm with confidence. Stay safe and prepared for this hurricane season.

Disaster Supply Kit Checklist

Disaster Preparedness Maps

State Assistance Information Line

Home Resiliency Checklist

Make An Evacuation Plan

Plan for Your Pets

Hurricane season is just around the corner, and preparation is key to weathering the storm safely and confidently. By following these pro tips from David Dunham Insurance, you can take proactive steps to protect your property, finances, and loved ones from the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms. Remember, it’s better to prepare now than to wait until it’s too late.

Reach out to our team immediately if you have any questions about your insurance coverage or need assistance with hurricane preparedness…and again, if you do not have a flood insurance policy, or it is written with another agency, please contact us immediately so we can update our file accordingly.

(561) 694-0185

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